U.S. Expat Tax Consulting

U.S. Expat Tax Advice from the Experts

Would You Benefit from Expat Tax Consulting?

Tax advisors prepare taxes, but they also provide additional valuable services that tax preparers do not. Advisors help their clients by offering strategies that (1) reduce their tax burden in the future, and (2) maximize income and retirement accounts, while keeping in touch during the year to see if the client’s situation has changed. Utilizing U.S. expat tax advice always pays off. Not only might you save a significant amount of money on your taxes, but you also will benefit from our professional financial guidance throughout the year and well into the future.

Individuals who typically consult a U.S. expat tax advisor are those expatriates who have complicated financial circumstances, self-employment income earned abroad, foreign investments and assets, and more. Plus, expats who experience major life changes such as marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of a child, or those who inherit, financially support a dependent, change jobs or buy or sell a home while overseas would be well-advised to contact an experienced expat tax advisor at Expat CPA.

What Consulting Services Do We Offer?

Expat Tax Planning
How will living abroad affect your tax liability? Factors to consider include the length of vacations in the U.S., the structuring of dividends and other distributions, opening and contributing to IRAs, whether your spouse remains in the U.S. or relocates with you, and whether your spouse continues to work. Our CPAs are happy to provide expatriate tax consulting about the implications of these and other decisions.

Tax Projections
How will an increase in income, a change in your filing status, a real estate transaction, purchase or sale of stock, an extended but temporary stay in the U.S., and other alterations in your life affect your tax liability down the road? Let our international tax advisors analyze your situation and advise you about your potential tax liabilities and any alterations you can make now to reduce your future tax bills.

Tax Return Review
Who prepared your past expat tax return(s)? Did you do it yourself? Did a tax firm without expertise in international taxes do it for you, and you’re doubtful about the result? Let the knowledgeable CPAs at Expat CPA review your past returns and file an amended return, if necessary, to add deductions or credits, file forms that were omitted, or correct mistakes on returns filed within the last three years.   

How Expat CPA Can Help

At Expat CPA, we fully understand expat tax preparation and planning because that’s all we do. Beyond hiring our experienced, skilled CPAs to prepare your tax return, you should seriously consider taking advantage of our ability to analyze your unique situation — past, present and future — to optimize your tax situation. If you are curious about any of our services or which tax documents we can help you file, contact us today!

  • $175 per hour, or $110 for 30 minutes
  • Includes tax planning, projections and return review

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